Group project

  • Member: Tri Ngo, Hoang Giang, Tuong Nguyen


  • An web application where people can find friends, make a date together based on recommended places: restaurants, cinema, ...

Core features

  • User can create new account or login with facebook, twitter, ...
  • User can edit their profile with avatar, personal information, ...


  • pictures:

  • name:

  • adress:

  • map:

  • revews:

  • presence voucher: + pictures

  • presence public dating.

  • old dating and review

  • closed or opening

  • bookmark

  • User can see a list of place to go together.

    • The place can be a restaurant, movie theater, coffee shop, ...
  • User can create a new place or event(restaurant, new release movie, ...)

  • User can see details and add new reviews on a place.

  • User can create a dating at a place.

  • User can invite other people to join a dating. Other people can accept or reject the invitation.

  • A dating can be limited by number of participants or after a certain time.


  • tab food
  • find user in ranger location
  • show recommend friends if have some same hoobies
  • filter: by address, categories
  • tab: current on sale, nearest location
  • tab dating
  • Application can recommend for user some places by mining reviews(ranking place).
  • find dating in ranger location
  • find dating by type or size of group
  • tab friends
  • user can find user by email or phone number
  • recommend friends: if have same hobies or same visited place


  • user can create a dating in foody place page
  • dating content(time, person limit, type:(private: for team member, public: for everyone), ending time, require gender and age)
  • user can invite your friend to this dating
  • you have to accept join request or invite request to join a date


  • hornor name or reward name : exp: king of food, foody superstar..

  • list of places you had visited

  • rating your partner and comments for you

  • some public invite for foody

  • People can review each other after dating.

  • User can see a list of people who they can have a date when create a dating(by location, other factors, ...)

  • People can ask to join a dating, which is created by other people.

Optional features aip

  • get list meetup then create a dating

club dating

  • user can make club
  • create dating from club

mail marketing

  • mail to user if you have invited


  • chat box for group if you join a dating

rating for user and club

  • User will be ranked by rating.


  • User will be warn if they have low rating and miss some dating

score and trust review

  • you have good review to place and good review from other ones you become a trust reviewer