Active Learning in Object Detection


Using prediction results, selecting images that are most informative. These images tend to have inconsistent confidence score among different classes.

Four methods are supported in this program: (the first two methods are visually better)

  • Max Entropy (single model)
  • Sum Entropy (single model)
  • Mutual Information (multi models)
  • KL divergence on score distribution (multi models)

For detailed description of the method, please read this documentation.


Command line arguments include:

  • --method, -m: Active learning method. Choose one: sum_entropy, max_entropy, mutual_information or KL_score
  • --pred_path, -p: Paths to prediction results. You can pass in predictions from one or multiple models, separating by commas. Eg: ./pred1.json,./pred2.json
  • --gt_path, -g: Path to ground truth annotations in coco format
  • --image_root, -i: Directory containing images
  • --visualize, -v: Flag to visualize selected image. Default = True
  • --num_query, -n: Number of selected images

Example python command to run the program with max entropy

python -m max_entropy -p predictions.json -n 20 -i ./images -g groundtruths.json