
Multi Instance Perceptron for weakly supervised transfer learning of deep detector - Weakly Supervised Object Detection in Artworks

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

MI_max : Multi Instance Perceptron for weakly supervised transfer learning of deep detector - Weakly Supervised Object Detection in Artworks

By Gonhier Nicolas, Gousseau Yann, Ladjal Saïd and Bonfait Olivier. This is a Tensorflow implementation of our Mi_max model and variant (Polyhedral model).

**This code can be used to reproduce results on IconArt, Watercolor2k, Clipart1k, Comic2k, CASPApaintings and PeopleArt datasets **


  1. Clone the repository
git clone git@github.com:ngonthier/Mi_max.git
  1. You need to install all the required python library such as tensorflow, cython, opencv-python, numpy, cython_bbox and easydict. We advice you to create a conda environnement or equivalent.

You can use the requirements.txt file and then install cython_bbox :

pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install cython_bbox

If you don't have the admin right try :

pip install --user -r requirements.txt
pip install --user cython_bbox

In the requirements file, we install the GPU version of Tensorflow.

  1. Update your -arch in setup script to match your GPU for the faster RCNN code. This code is a modify version of the Xinlei Chen implementation.
cd tf_faster_rcnn/lib
# Change the GPU architecture (-arch) if necessary
vim setup.py
GPU model Architecture
TitanX (Maxwell/Pascal) sm_52
GTX 960M sm_50
GTX 1080 (Ti) sm_61
Grid K520 (AWS g2.2xlarge) sm_30
Tesla K80 (AWS p2.xlarge) sm_37

Note: You are welcome to contribute the settings on your end if you have made the code work properly on other GPUs. Also even if you are only using CPU tensorflow, GPU based code (for NMS) will be used by default, so please set USE_GPU_NMS False to get the correct output.

  1. Build the Cython modules If it is not already the case move to the lib folder.
cd tf_faster_rcnn/lib 
make clean
cd ../../

This code have been tested on Ubuntu 18.04 and 16.04 with python 3.6 and Tensorflow 1.8 .

Download the pre-trained models

You have to download the pre-trained models through the link below and saved them to the model folder after decompressed it :

  • Google drive here.

Here the matching between the network and training set and the ckpt weights file name, the last one is the one used by default in our code and our research paper :

| -------------------------- | -------------------------- | | vgg16_VOC07 | vgg16_faster_rcnn_iter_70000.ckpt | | vgg16_VOC12 | vgg16_faster_rcnn_iter_110000.ckpt | | vgg16_COCO | vgg16_faster_rcnn_iter_1190000.ckpt | | res101_VOC07 | res101_faster_rcnn_iter_70000.ckpt | | res101_VOC12 | res101_faster_rcnn_iter_110000.ckpt | | res101_COCO | res101_faster_rcnn_iter_1190000.ckpt | | res152_COCO | res152_faster_rcnn_iter_1190000.ckpt |

You may need to download the images datasets :

You may want to unzip the dataset in the data folder. Otherwise it will be download automatically.

Description of the pipeline :

We will first download the required dataset, compute the features and boxes from a Faster RCNN (recorded in a tfrecords file) and then train a MI_max model before runnning the detection evaluation. The precomputation may require several dozen of GB.

You can add your own dataset, it only required to be in the PASCAL VOC format.

To run the experiment from our research paper :

For the MI_max model :

python Run_MImax.py --dataset IconArt_v1 --with_score

For the MI_max-C model (the dataset is split in 2 and several different values for C are used) :

python Run_MImax.py --dataset IconArt_v1 --with_score --CV_Mode CV --C_Searching

For the Polyhedral MI_max model (from Multiple instance learning on deep features for weakly supervised object detection with extreme domain shifts [Gonthier et al. 2020]) you can use the following command :

python Run_MImax.py --dataset IconArt_v1 --with_score --Polyhedral

In the Run_MImax.py , you can find other parameters of the model that you can change such as the learning rate (LR), the regularization term (C), the loss ('' or 'hinge'), the number of restarts etc.


The training part of the MI_max is trained in around 6 minutes on a good consumer GPU but we are sure that it is possible to speed it up.

Don't hesitate to contact us, if you have any question or remarks about our code and our work.


Please consider citing:

     author       = "Gonthier, N. and Gousseau, Y. and Ladjal, S. and Bonfait, O.",
     title        = "Weakly Supervised Object Detection in Artworks",
     booktitle    = "Computer Vision -- ECCV 2018 Workshops",
     year         = "2018",
     publisher    = "Springer International Publishing",
     pages        = "692--709"
      title={Multiple instance learning on deep features for weakly supervised object detection with extreme domain shifts}, 
      author={Nicolas Gonthier and Saïd Ladjal and Yann Gousseau},