A mobile application (built with Cordova PhoneGap) that allows users to take a picture of a scientific poster with variant RSIDs on it, extract the RSIDs, and query them against the MyVariant service (http://www.myvariant.info).

Primary LanguageJava


To run you need:

  1. An OCR server (you can download the OCR server code I have in my other repo)
  2. In the project directory, run 'cordova build && cordova emulate'
  3. Drag and drop your poster picture into the iOS emulator to save to your photo libary


  1. Add functionality to take picture from app instead of just uploading
  2. Add an aesthetic table presentation from returned JSON data
  3. Clean up comments in code
  4. Compile for Android

Used this technique to get Android to compile to correct target (23):


Resource used to install android emulator. Didn't quite work:


Personal Notes

Be sure to debug and develop using the 'cordova serve' command because it compiles and serves libraries the correct way (rather than forcing it with 'python -m SimpleHTTPServer' in the 'www' directory).

On Getting The Android Emulator To Work

To get android to work: edited emulator settings to be high quality (android avd) edited config.xml to be android sdk min 14 cordova emulate android --target=Nexus7-22

$./adb shell $su mount -o rw,remount rootfs / chmod 777 /mnt/sdcard exit

adb shell mkdir /sdcard/Pictures adb push mypic.jpg /sdcard/Pictures

http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2083709/android-emulator-sdcard-push-error-read-only-file-system http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5151744/upload-picture-to-emulator-gallery

#ImageMagick Command for Splash Screen (with padding) convert icon.png -resize 512x512 -background none -gravity center -extent 640x960 test_icon.png