My Role + Objectives

  • Code up a MVP(Mininum Viable Product) of a food store app for Eastern Market
  • Take Hi-Fi specifications and translate to Xcode app
  • Work with my fellow coder and designer to bring our Hi-Fi prototype to life
  • Test UI and UX through documentation
  • Test code to find any inconsistencies

01 OverView

The Food store app, an app that connect Eastern Market with local consumers, was made back in the foundations program at the Apple Developer Academy which lasted for a month. Me and 2 other teammmates design the page layouts, colorscheme, and intended functionality we wanted our app to do. Below is the user flow from beginning to end of the app. The biggest challenge for this project was learning about classes and observable objects. Everything revolved around making a food object class for both inventory and appending those items to the user cart for checkout. This project was made for learning purposes and is not fully completed nor released in the app store

Catalog CheckoutView Screenshot 2022-12-09 at 6 33 12 PM EndView

02 Coding Topics

  • Classes
  • State Objects/Observable Object
  • Foreach
  • Array Appending
  • Images
  • NavigationLink
  • MapKit
  • String Interpolation

03 Project Timeline


04 What I learned

I recently learned about the Retain Cycle and various ways to check for memory leaks. I decided to double check the objects in my project using the memory map and running the simulation to detech any possible memory leaks. Fornatuately, there was no memory leaks to the best of my knowledge. I also decided to add additional functionality by adding an account Settings page and a location page which utlized the Mapkit features that I learned on my spare time.
