

Primary LanguageSwift


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Challenge 4

01 OverView

An app that locates free and/or inexpensive work spaces for remote workers and/or students looking to network and do focused work. My team and I are current students, this project is apart of a challenge we were given. In this challenge we hope to bring more awareness to accessible and equity. Workspaces shouldnt always come with a price.

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  • Code up a MVP(Mininum Viable Product) of a Routr App for remote workers
  • Take Hi-Fi specifications and translate to Xcode app.
  • Collaboration with coders and designers to bring our Hi-Fi prototype to life.
  • Test UI and UX through documentation.
  • Test code to find any inconsistencies.
  • Submit Project to TestFlight for UserFeedback and make changes accordingly.

Color Reference

Color Hex
Accent Color #C0E2E3 #C0E2E3
Primary Color #074750 #074750
Primary Color #3EABB2 #3EABB2
Secondary Color #8FEDF7 #8FEDF7

API Reference- Yelp API Intergration

Get all items

  GET /api/items
Parameter Type Description
api_key string Required. Your API key

🛠 Skills

Swift, Swift UI, XCode, Figma, Sketch, YELP API, SwiftCharts, Combine

02 Coding Topics

  • Classes
  • State Objects/Observable Object
  • Yelp API Intergation
  • Array Appending
  • NavigationLink
  • Bottom Sheets
  • Maps Integration

03 Project Timeline

Screen Shot 2023-02-19 at 3 02 12 PM week2 week3

