
PHP Framework using MVC model developped by Ngor SECK!

Primary LanguagePHP

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work status SMVC phpversion

About SamaneMVC

SAMANEMVC is a PHP framework based on MVC model (Model View Controller) :construction:


last version : 1.9.3 release periode : 2020-05-15


The requirements needed to run this frameWork :

    php >= 7.1 
    Composer (for dependencies)

if you are looking for some information about features
you can visite this page -> php manual

you can download composer from this page-> download composer and learn more about it ...

we love pull request


we are open to any proposal idea and participation of the project and share it through the community

  • tips
git clone https://github.com/ngorseckframework/samanemvc.git
# create anothor branch and switch to it 
git branch [name of your branch] 
git checkout [name of your branch you have already created] 
#after doing  your stuff push it and create pull request 
git add . 
git commit -am "your commit message"
git push origin [your branch]

<<<<<<< awakeness

but also you can declare an issue to help us !

# install the framework from composer cli 
composer create-project samane/samanemvc your_project_name
composer command line
## composer create-project samane/samanemvc your_project_name
if your PHP version or your composer version is not up to date, tipe this command
## composer create-project samane/samanemvc your_project_name --ignore-platform-reqs

master =======

doctrine command line (you can see this link : https://www.doctrine-project.org/projects/doctrine-orm/en/2.11/tutorials/getting-started.html#getting-started-with-doctrine)
## vendor/bin/doctrine orm:schema-tool:update --force --dump-sql
# execute the framework with this command line
php -S localhost:1105
# And tape on your web browser : http://localhost:1105
# you can use any port

# or, you can alos execute the framework with this command line
php serve
# And tape on your web browser : http://localhost:1105
### Contributing to SamaneMvc
please read  the  CONTRIBUTING.md

###### Maintainer Contact



SamaneMVC is a Senegalese Made PHP Framework