- 1
- 1
multiple repos
#32 opened by andySF - 4
The restic command seems to hang
#33 opened by zoechi - 2
Extract correct sizes
#29 opened by Janhouse - 1
Add support for sftp.command
#31 opened by farcaller - 1
The exporter can fail unexpectedly if is queried before collecting information the first time
#28 opened by martonivan - 2
Environment variable "RESTIC_REPO_PASSWORD" is not read by
#22 opened by shiftZZnet - 1
multi repository
#26 opened by shadowchmod - 1
Support for multiple tags?
#23 opened by glitchsys - 2
Also allow restic environment variables
#21 opened by CommanderRedYT - 2
Include Restic client version metric
#5 opened by ngosang - 1
Collaboration with Restic-REST backend ?
#20 opened by Gaibhne - 0
Invalid: feature request
#19 opened by M0NsTeRRR - 4
Possible to get the "Paths"
#17 opened by damien-reyre - 2
Add support for reporting number of (stale) locks
#10 opened by rmi1974 - 1
Exclude paths from snapshot_hash
#14 opened by ngosang - 4
rclone is available with restic-exporter?
#18 opened by damien-reyre - 1
Duplicated snapshots because of paths
#16 opened by ferrarimarco - 3
- 1
docker image ssh for sftp backend
#15 opened by ALUCAZEAU - 15
Alert example fires for maintained snapshots
#11 opened by v4rakh - 1
[FEATURE] Multiple repo support
#6 opened by PovilasID - 4
S3 Support?
#2 opened by RogerSik - 5
Basic Auth support
#3 opened by v4rakh - 2
Error: time data '2022-12-07T10:19:24' does not match format '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z'
#1 opened by ngosang