This is a Yelp search app using the Yelp API.
Time spent: About 10-12 hours
- Search results page
- Table rows should be dynamic height according to the content height
- Custom cells should have the proper Auto Layout constraints
- Search bar in the navigation bar .
- Filter page
- The filters table should be organized into sections as in the mock.
- Clicking on the "Search" button should dismiss the filters page and trigger the search w/ the new filter settings.
- Display some of the available Yelp categories (choose any 3-4 that you want).
- The filters you should actually have are: category, sort (best match, distance, highest rated), radius (meters), deals (on/off).
- Search results page
- Infinite scroll for restaurant results
- Implement map view of restaurant results
- Filter page
- Radius filter should expand as in the real Yelp app
- Implement the restaurant detail page.
- AFNetworking
- JTProgressHUD
- BDBOAuth1Manager