
Basic Swift project for training and learning different Swift concepts

Primary LanguageSwift

Hello iOS Playground

An iOS project using Model-View-ViewModel architecture and SwiftUI APIs and frameworks for prototyping different application features and functionality. Additionally, an initial set of features are included as a starting point and include:

  • Remote API Request/Response (JSONPlaceholder.com)
  • Lists and Element Binding
  • SwiftUI SceneDelegate
  • UIApplication AppDelegate Connection
  • Plain Old Swift Object

SwiftUI Framework

SwiftUI was first released in 2019 as an alternative to UIKit and Interface Builder which uses Storyboards or nib files. It extends UIKit and AppKit but constructs Stateful view objects rather than re-rendering digital assets and dynamic elements with each new request. This was also about the time Model-View-ViewModel(strict separation of view and app logic) was gaining momentum as the next step in Model-View-Controller architecture evolution. SwiftUI conforms to an MVVM pattern by enforcing separation of view and application logic. This allows for cleaner code and promotes Single Objects of Responsibility.

  • Builds using Xcode 13 (or xcodebuild CLI if prefered)
  • Depends on Swift 5.0, prefers 5.5 language versions
  • Swift toolchain included in Xcode Version 13.0.
    • Or set with xcode-select -switch command


  • Deployment Target is iOS 14.5 and newer
  • iOS 15 is preferred