
A trajectory optimization example for FRC

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT





Note: Quikplan has been tested with Python version 3.7 and 3.8. Older versions may work but Python 3.9 is not currently supported.


  • Clone the repository to your local machine with git clone https://github.com/frc604/quikplan-public.git
  • Navigate into the cloned repository with cd quikplan-public
  • Install the necessary libraries through pip by running pip3 install --upgrade -r requirements.txt in the root folder


There are currently two available optimizers: slalom and barrel_racing. To run them just run their corresponding python file:

  • python quikplan.py --slalom
  • python quikplan.py --barrel_racing


Quikplan also includes a simple GUI for creating initialization paths to be optimized. This can be launched by running:

  • python quikplan.py --init

Once the GUI has launched you can click on any of the preloaded setups in the obstacles list to load it onto the chart.

To add a waypoint just left click anywhere on the embedded chart and the line will expand to include the point you clicked.

Clicking and dragging lets you move a previously placed waypoint.

Right clicking on a previously placed waypoint deletes it from the path.

After creating an initialization path you can save it to a json file by clicking the Save to JSON button and entering the json name.


Quikplan offers numerous options to visualize optimized paths. The two main methods for this are plot_traj and anim_traj in helpers.py.


plot_traj will plot the x, y, and theta poses in a trajectory using the provided robot geometry. It can also be used to plot obstacles. See quikplan_slalom.py for example use cases.

If the save_png param of plot_traj is set to True Quikplan will save the plot to a png file in the renders folder.


anim_traj will animate the robot moving through the poses in a trajectory using the provided robot geometry. It also has support for plotting obstacles. quikplan_slalom.py has an example use case.

Note: The timestep in anim_traj should be set to the dt between the trajectory states (in milliseconds) for the animation to run at the rate of the trajectory. interp_state_vector can be used to convert an optimized trajectory to a desired dt.

If the save_gif param of anim_traj is set to True Quikplan will save the animated trajectory as a gif file in the renders folder.