Dev environment
One-time: Setup rails-dev-box
- Install Vagrant
- Install Virtualbox
- Clone on github:
- Run
vagrant up
Every time: connect to vagrant box
vagrant ssh
Every time: setup and run Rails
cd /vagrant
rake db:create rake db:migrate
the first time, onlyrake db:migrate
after.rails s
Create heroku account
Then, I'll need your email to add you as a collaborator on the instance.
Install Heroku toolbelt, for your platform
Configure heroku remote in Git, to be able to push to heroku
heroku git:remote -a askr-staging
Verify settings
git remote -v
To push to any code changes to heroku, do
- git add .
- git commit -m "..changes...."
- git push heroku
App url, we can set main web url to point here using CNAME later.