- 1
About clj-kondo integration
#147 opened by kawas44 - 1
Library size and AOT compilation
#146 opened by kawas44 - 1
Issues with boolean serialization
#132 opened by FiV0 - 0
- 0
- 4
Boolean issue
#101 opened by luc-boussant - 6
Templates / ValueProvider NullPointerException
#84 opened by xfthhxk - 5
write-json-file regression
#123 opened by edporras - 1
Separate out non-core APIs from api.clj
#94 opened by timclemons - 5
swap out cheshire for jsonista
#110 opened by domparry - 3
Release 0.7.4 to clojars?
#109 opened by MikaelSmith - 0
- 1
Processes are locking
#97 opened by hiteki - 14
- 2
0.6.5 won't run on Java 8 anymore
#82 opened by domparry - 1
- 4
Update Apache Beam SDK
#76 opened by InSuperposition - 2
Exception when running example in Readme
#77 opened by xfthhxk - 1 No such file or directory
#79 opened by xfthhxk - 3
- 10
how to do cider-repl development?
#36 opened by jasonjckn - 2
Example doesn't work
#63 opened by xingxing - 1
Missing tag 0.6.4
#64 opened by RolT - 1
populateDisplayData in datasplash v2
#24 opened by dspiteself - 4
ParDo question/clarification/example
#53 opened by danoyoung - 6
`sliding-windows` vs `SlidingWindows`
#50 opened by jasonmm - 1
README Example Does Not Create Output File
#48 opened by jasonmm - 7
Error: `java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: unable to deserialize datasplash.fns.ClojureDoFn`
#46 opened by jasonmm - 2
- 3
Why does (ds/map inc) work in the REPL, but (ds/map (fn [x] (* x x))) does not?
#38 opened by austinhaas - 3
Documents at show incorrect installation instructions
#18 opened by domparry - 2 not resolving
#37 opened by samwagg - 4
No matching method found: withNumQuerySplit for class$Read
#23 opened by domparry - 9
Apache Beam support
#16 opened by atroche - 1
1.9.0 deprecated
#33 opened by domparry - 1
clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: Unfreezable type: class$
#26 opened by domparry - 1
PubSub message Attributes
#22 opened by domparry - 0
Merge: Handle RECORD type in BigQuery schemas #9
#15 opened by domparry - 14
unable to deserialize datasplash.core.proxy$
#12 opened by domparry - 2
- 1
API doc not working
#3 opened by torbjornvatn - 2
Release new version
#4 opened by MartinSahlen - 1
Is this lib production ready ?
#2 opened by 0xqd - 1