- 0
Use hours for reading times > 60 min
#59 opened by LeaVerou - 2
readingTimeWithCount() not exported
#58 opened by shuckster - 2
Math.round Minutes by default
#55 opened by surjithctly - 6
Generate a code playground
#47 opened by majkl-zumberi - 8
Suggestion: Japanese reading-time
#52 opened by cohu-dev - 0
- 5
reading-time v2
#38 opened by Josh-Cena - 2
- 0
Help us complete the word counting algorithm!
#46 opened by Josh-Cena - 17
v1.5.0 requires additional Webpack config
#44 opened by Josh-Cena - 8
Change the API
#18 opened by ngryman - 2
Does the current version only support text but not `markdown` and `html`?
#39 opened by Now-Sprouting - 7
- 3
Breaking changes after patch update
#21 opened by kristinalyba - 1
require('reading-time/stream') is not found
#28 opened by sourabhsomani - 5
TypeScript definitions
#16 opened by jsommr - 3
question on API
#26 opened by johnpapa - 4
i18n or change "min read"
#17 opened by polalegria - 1
Missing License
#7 opened by paranoid-android - 2
- 5
- 2
Streaming version
#1 opened by thom4parisot