
working installation

Closed this issue · 1 comments

On 04/04/2023, I did a fresh install with the following approach:

I wrote the following environment.yml:

name: 2023-snakemake-book-draft
  - conda-forge
  - bioconda
  - defaults
  - rust>=1.67,<2
  - snakemake>=7.25,<8
  - sourmash-minimal>=4.6.1,<5

Create and activate this environment:

mamba env create -f environment.yml
mamba activate 2023-snakemake-book-draft

To install mdbook-admonish in this env, I ran:

cargo install mdbook-admonish

Then, as directed, I added the following line to my ~/.zshrc to add the cargo bin to my path:

export PATH="$PATH:Users/ntward/.cargo/bin"

Then I ran make test to verify the install was working.

ctb commented

I think I updated things correctly in #15, and CI is now working in #17. 🎉 thanks!