
A discord bot which helps caculate ranking in a Codeforces group

Primary LanguagePython


A discord bot which helps calculate ranking in a Codeforces group



  • Create group ranking
  • Show plot about ranking


  • For VNOI: get codeforces link of a VOJ problem
  • Some git commands to update the bot.
  • Some commands about nCoVi virus.


Clone this repository

  • python pip install -r requirements
  • Base on file .env-example, create file .env and fill all the data: bot token, account codeforces (for crawling submission), codeforces group id.

How to use

  • Create a discord bot, add it to your discord server.
  • Then use python main.py to run the bot. Remember to edit data in .env.
  • Use ;voj help to see list command

About database

  • I wrote a crawler to crawl all submission in a codeforces group, and then store all the data in file file ranking.db by using SQLite3.

  • There is 3 table in that file:

    • problem_info, 4 columns:
      • id: id of a problem
      • problem_name: name of problem
      • links (TEXT): short codeforces links to problem, if a problem has more than 1 links, its links is separate with commas (i.e 274863/A, 274863/F,272622/A)
      • cnt_AC: number of user that got Accepted this problem.
    • solved_info. If a user submit to a problem then I will create a record has 4 columns:
      • user_id: id of user, I cannot use user's handle here since users can change their handles.
      • problem_id: id of a problem (equal to id in problem_info)
      • result: result of the submission. 'AC' is accepted, or a float number equal to partial score of that submission.
      • date: submission time in format YYYY/MM/DD.
    • user_data, 3 columns:
      • CF_id: id of a user (equal to user_id in problem_info)
      • handle: handle of a user.
      • discord_id: discord id.


  • What if a user change their handle?
  • What if we rejudge a problem?
  • What if we rename a problem?


  • Question: How rank is calculated? Answer: Each problem has a point, equal to 80 / (40 + x) with x is number of users got accepted in that problem (cnt_AC in table problem_info). If a user submit to a problem and receive a accepted verdict, they will earn all the problem's point. If they receive a partial score, they will earn partial_score * problem_point / 100 points.


  • There is some commands required Admin role. If you're not bot's owner, you will need Admin role to use those commands.
  • You can update the bot (get new commit from this repository) by using ;voj git_pull command. Then you can use ;voj restart to restart the bot (you don't need to run it again, it's very useful since I'm running the bot in a VPS).