Vim issue-manager. Browse, time-track, and view issues in Vim.
- Pure VimL
- Multiple issue providers:
- GitHub
- Time-tracking per issue
- Browse issue list
- View issue and comments as Markdown
- Open issue in browser
- View time-sheets
- Publish time-sheets
- Comment reply
- View milestones/sprints
- Shougo/unite
- mattn/webapi-vim
- curl or wget
- tyru/open-browser.vim
Use your favorite plugin manager, mine is NeoBundle:
NeoBundleLazy 'rafi/vim-unite-issue', {
\ 'directory': 'unite-issue',
\ 'unite_sources': [ 'issue' ]
\ 'depends': [
\ 'mattn/webapi-vim', 'tyru/open-browser.vim', 'Shougo/unite.vim'
\ ]
\ }
Available actions for candidates:
: View issue and comments as Markdownbrowse
: Open issue's URL in browserstart
: Start time-tracking on a specific issuestop
: Stop issue timer and add a time-sheet entry
:Unite issue:github[:owner/repository]
- List all personal opened issues:
:Unite issue:github
- List repository issues:
:Unite issue:github:torvalds/linux
let g:github_token = '0123456789'
" Customize
let g:unite_source_issue_github_state_table = {
\ 'open': 'O', 'closed': 'C' }
:Unite issue:jira [-custom-issue-jql=]
- List all personal unresolved issues:
:Unite issue:jira
- Custom JQL:
:Unite issue:jira -custom-issue-jql=project=FOO\ and\ assignee=bar
let g:jira_url = ''
let g:jira_username = 'roadrunner'
let g:jira_password = 'meemeep'
" Customize
let g:unite_source_issue_jira_priority_table = {
\ 10000: '◡', 1: '⚡', 2: 'ᛏ', 3: '●', 4: '○', 5: '▽' }
let g:unite_source_issue_jira_status_table = {
\ 1: 'plan', 3: 'develop', 4: 'reopened', 5: 'resolved', 6: 'closed',
\ 10000: 'feedback', 10001: 'staged', 10002: 'waiting',
\ 10003: 'deployed', 10004: 'pending', 10008: 'review' }
let g:unite_source_issue_jira_type_table = {
\ 1: 'bug', 2: 'feature', 3: 'task', 4: 'change', 5: 'sub-task',
\ 6: 'epic', 7: 'story', 8: 'system', 9: 'sub-bug' }
I was inspired by joker1007/unite-pull-request and feeling annoyed by needing a browser to track and browse issues.
This plugin was developed by Rafael Bodill under the MIT License. Pull requests are welcome.