Pre-requisite : 
1. node.js and npm should be installed, verify that by 
    node --version 
    npm --version

Steps for the execution : 
1. rename CYPRESSAUTOMATION.zip_ to , and then unzip the
2. open terminal / powershell / commandline 
3. cd <CYPRESSAUTOMATION_file_path>\  
4. ls    // to make sure package.json exist 
5. npm install cypress --save-dev    // install cypress to ~/AppData/Local/Cypress/
6. .\node_modules\.bin\cypress run --spec "cypress\integration\2-advanced-examples\TestAddressBook.js"
  (note that there maybe timeout error for the first time cypress execution, try to re-run again )
7. to launch the test runner UI , and then click the "TestAddressBook.js" 
    .\node_modules\.bin\cypress open