
Tiny webapp helps creating the bitnami wordpress EC2 instance on AWS.

Primary LanguageGo


Tiny webapp helps creating the bitnami wordpress EC2 instance on AWS.

Running locally

  • You need go

  • If your working copy is not in your GOPATH, you need to set it accordingly.

  • Install revel

    $ go get github.com/revel/cmd/revel

  • Fetching source code

    $ git clone https://github.com/ngtuna/bitnami-wordpress.git $GOPATH/src/github.com/ngtuna/bitnami-wordpress

  • Set environment variables for launching configuration

    $ cat environment
    export IMAGEID=
    export INSTANCETYPE=
    export AWSREGION=
    export KEYNAME=
    export SUBNET=
    $ source environment
  • Run it

    revel run github.com/ngtuna/bitnami-wordpress

Running with Docker

  • Set environment variables for launching configuration in docker-compose.yml

  • Run it

    $ docker-compose up