dockercon-eu-2015 important notes

##Day 1:


Sessions Day 1

slide shares:

DockerCon EU, Day 1 General Session

Black Belt Tech Docker Docker Docker Wild Cards Use Case Eco System Contribute & Collaborate
"Tor+Docker = Anonymous<3" by @frazelledazzell "Getting started with Docker" by @sam_alba @jmorgan "Docker & PCI-DSSLessons learned about introducting Docker in a security sensitive environment" "Using Docker and SDN for telco application Development" Microsoft, Docker and our ongoing Journey together Intro to the Docker Project: Engine, Networking, Swarm, Distribution
"Kernel load-balancing for Docker containers using IPVS" @kobolog "The latest in Docker Engine" "Containing IoT sensor telemetry" "Using Docker with NoSQL" How are containers enabling 20th Century Fox to release the next great movie?
cgroups, namespaces and beyond: what are containers made from? Docker Orchestration at Production Scale Shipping Manifests, bill of Lading and Docker - Metadata for Containers Swarming Spark applications Lightning Talks: Univa, ClusterHQ, Rancher
Experiences with AWS immutable deploys and job processing Understanding Docker Security DNS Service Discovery for Docker Swarm Clusters Placing a container on a train at 200 mph Lightning Talks: CloudBees, Ruxit, Cloudsoft Introduction to the Docker Project: Machine, Kitematic, Compose
Live migrating a container: pros, cons and gotchas Docker Networking Deep Dive Stop Being Lazy and Test Your Software Finding a Theory of the Universe with Docker and Volunteer Computers Lightning Talks: Google, Raspberry Pi Challenge Winner,


  • Container Migration Tool

##Day 2:

  • Docker Commercial Service
  • Universal Control Plane
