
Xen Orchestra: A web interface for XCP

Xen Orchestra

XO is a web interface to visualize and administrate your XCP network.

It aims to be easy to use on any device supporting modern web technologies (HTML 5, CSS 3, JavaScript) such as your desktop computer or your smartphone.

XO is developped by Vates SAS a small French company and released under the AGPL v3 licence.

XO is currently under development and may be subject to important bugs.

How to try XO?

XO is composed of two parts (the server and the interface) which have their own repositories.

The server is available at https://github.com/vatesfr/xo-server and the interface at https://github.com/vatesfr/xo-web.

Check their documentation to see how to use them.

How to report a bug?

Xen Orchestra has three bugtrackers: one for the server, one for the interface and the last one for common issues or when you don't know to which part it is related to.