Rosetta Solana Programs (Moving to solana-developers/program-examples)
Repo of some example programs written using different Solana frameworks.
Ideally this will be used to compare different tooling frameworks.
Frameworks supported:
- Solana native
- Anchor
- Seahorse
- Solana native + MPL stack
Make sure you have the latest Solana tools installed - link.
Each Anchor instruction differs from its Solana native instruction. Anchor instructions are prefixed with an 8-byte anchor discriminant that is calculated as shown below.
/* Instruction discriminator */
function sighash(nameSpace: string, ixName: string): Buffer {
let name = snakeCase(ixName);
let preimage = `${nameSpace}:${name}`;
return Buffer.from(sha256.digest(preimage)).slice(0, 8);
const instructionDiscriminator = sighash("global",;
/* Account discriminator */
sha256.digest(`account:${camelcase(name, { pascalCase: true })}`).slice(0, 8)
In contrast, the native Solana examples use 1-byte prefixes.