- support 1m-connections client
- make sure setting the correct system env, for example:
sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range="1024 65535"
sysctl -w fs.file-max=2000500
sysctl -w fs.nr_open=2000500
sysctl -w net.nf_conntrack_max=2000500
ulimit -n 2000500
sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_mem='131072 262144 524288'
sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_rmem='8760 256960 4088000'
sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_wmem='8760 256960 4088000'
sysctl -w net.core.rmem_max=16384
sysctl -w net.core.wmem_max=16384
sysctl -w net.core.somaxconn=2048
sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog=2048
sysctl -w /proc/sys/net/core/netdev_max_backlog=2048
# sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_tw_recycle=1 # client nat tcp-handshak problem
sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_tw_reuse=1
git clone https://github.com/lesismal/go-websocket-benchmark.git
cd go-websocket-benchmark
here is the result on my ubuntu vm:
BenchType : Connections
Framework : nbio_nonblocking
Connections: 1000000
Concurrency: 5000
Success : 1000000
Failed : 0
Used : 41.56s
TPS : 24061
Min : 20ns
Avg : 192.57ms
Max : 41.52s
TP50 : 30ns
TP75 : 30ns
TP90 : 30ns
TP95 : 31ns
TP99 : 31ns
BenchType : BenchEcho
Framework : nbio_nonblocking
Conns : 1000000
Concurrency: 50000
Payload : 1024
Total : 5000000
Success : 5000000
Failed : 0
Used : 47.02s
CPU Min : 0.00%
CPU Avg : 340.08%
CPU Max : 386.93%
MEM Min : 1.76G
MEM Avg : 1.91G
MEM Max : 1.94G
TPS : 106348
Min : 436.16us
Avg : 465.78ms
Max : 2.42s
TP50 : 412.36ms
TP75 : 600.92ms
TP90 : 779.92ms
TP95 : 1.04s
TP99 : 1.35s
git clone https://github.com/lesismal/go-websocket-benchmark.git
cd go-websocket-benchmark
# if you want to change the benchmark config, just read the script and edit:
# go-websocket-benchmark/script/config.sh
Some benchmark results:
20230804 22:01.04.584 [BenchEcho] Report
Framework | TPS | Min | Avg | Max | TP50 | TP75 | TP90 | TP95 | TP99 | Used | Total | Success | Failed | Conns | Concurrency | Payload | CPU Min | CPU Avg | CPU Max | MEM Min | MEM Avg | MEM Max |
fasthttp | 626359 | 17.34us | 15.91ms | 241.32ms | 14.48ms | 16.32ms | 21.12ms | 22.40ms | 25.32ms | 3.19s | 2000000 | 2000000 | 0 | 10000 | 10000 | 1024 | 636.94 | 643.58 | 646.94 | 263.57M | 265.70M | 267.83M |
gobwas | 510595 | 11.39us | 19.49ms | 251.97ms | 16.62ms | 21.06ms | 26.69ms | 34.10ms | 77.68ms | 3.92s | 2000000 | 2000000 | 0 | 10000 | 10000 | 1024 | 718.84 | 762.87 | 785.80 | 361.89M | 364.79M | 366.24M |
gorilla | 620387 | 13.78us | 16.05ms | 235.99ms | 14.44ms | 16.35ms | 21.53ms | 23.15ms | 36.00ms | 3.22s | 2000000 | 2000000 | 0 | 10000 | 10000 | 1024 | 640.17 | 646.90 | 652.78 | 262.93M | 264.93M | 266.93M |
gws | 640529 | 7.32us | 15.55ms | 140.41ms | 13.54ms | 15.48ms | 21.49ms | 23.01ms | 70.18ms | 3.12s | 2000000 | 2000000 | 0 | 10000 | 10000 | 1024 | 638.90 | 641.26 | 643.94 | 170.94M | 171.40M | 171.86M |
gws_std | 628836 | 12.49us | 15.86ms | 246.86ms | 14.01ms | 16.15ms | 21.77ms | 23.23ms | 46.66ms | 3.18s | 2000000 | 2000000 | 0 | 10000 | 10000 | 1024 | 635.95 | 642.24 | 647.87 | 318.72M | 331.50M | 344.29M |
hertz | 270051 | 10.24ms | 36.90ms | 80.09ms | 33.25ms | 35.15ms | 61.32ms | 63.22ms | 65.65ms | 7.41s | 2000000 | 2000000 | 0 | 10000 | 10000 | 1024 | 382.97 | 390.58 | 394.66 | 509.59M | 552.77M | 595.20M |
hertz_std | 604316 | 17.63us | 16.49ms | 233.92ms | 14.81ms | 17.34ms | 22.42ms | 23.76ms | 29.31ms | 3.31s | 2000000 | 2000000 | 0 | 10000 | 10000 | 1024 | 674.94 | 687.22 | 697.85 | 332.12M | 334.19M | 336.27M |
nbio_blocking | 646592 | 12.83us | 15.39ms | 226.96ms | 13.84ms | 15.71ms | 21.18ms | 22.53ms | 25.48ms | 3.09s | 2000000 | 2000000 | 0 | 10000 | 10000 | 1024 | 635.73 | 652.49 | 661.84 | 167.41M | 180.08M | 192.76M |
nbio_mixed | 647891 | 11.41us | 15.34ms | 244.91ms | 13.64ms | 15.74ms | 20.88ms | 22.23ms | 47.71ms | 3.09s | 2000000 | 2000000 | 0 | 10000 | 10000 | 1024 | 629.76 | 637.21 | 647.92 | 224.78M | 225.82M | 226.86M |
nbio_nonblocking | 484499 | 18.48us | 20.55ms | 135.01ms | 18.82ms | 25.85ms | 33.46ms | 39.58ms | 52.92ms | 4.13s | 2000000 | 2000000 | 0 | 10000 | 10000 | 1024 | 669.95 | 681.43 | 691.97 | 121.20M | 122.72M | 123.88M |
nbio_std | 594338 | 8.58us | 16.78ms | 108.26ms | 14.82ms | 18.63ms | 23.01ms | 26.32ms | 55.82ms | 3.37s | 2000000 | 2000000 | 0 | 10000 | 10000 | 1024 | 643.88 | 665.11 | 680.91 | 172.60M | 175.74M | 178.88M |
nettyws | 637288 | 10.18us | 15.63ms | 105.14ms | 14.02ms | 16.06ms | 20.97ms | 22.50ms | 35.77ms | 3.14s | 2000000 | 2000000 | 0 | 10000 | 10000 | 1024 | 624.95 | 636.00 | 643.86 | 173.52M | 178.02M | 182.52M |
nhooyr | 478661 | 10.65us | 20.80ms | 105.04ms | 19.23ms | 21.55ms | 28.03ms | 31.75ms | 59.06ms | 4.18s | 2000000 | 2000000 | 0 | 10000 | 10000 | 1024 | 789.93 | 797.15 | 799.94 | 374.30M | 381.30M | 389.00M |
quickws | 658489 | 10.21us | 15.13ms | 108.65ms | 13.58ms | 15.63ms | 20.14ms | 21.46ms | 33.63ms | 3.04s | 2000000 | 2000000 | 0 | 10000 | 10000 | 1024 | 598.95 | 601.89 | 606.81 | 121.34M | 121.34M | 121.34M |
20230804 22:01.04.603 [BenchRate] Report
Framework | Duration | Packet Sent | Bytes Sent | Packet Recv | Bytes Recv | Conns | SendRate | Payload | CPU Min | CPU Avg | CPU Max | MEM Min | MEM Avg | MEM Max |
fasthttp | 10.00s | 19716970 | 18.80G | 19716970 | 18.80G | 10000 | 200 | 1024 | 755.06 | 772.10 | 786.86 | 282.74M | 335.02M | 397.34M |
gobwas | 10.00s | 9390220 | 8.96G | 9138368 | 8.72G | 10000 | 200 | 1024 | 746.92 | 757.94 | 769.85 | 440.77M | 477.40M | 513.70M |
gorilla | 10.00s | 19832610 | 18.91G | 19832610 | 18.91G | 10000 | 200 | 1024 | 751.19 | 765.83 | 784.49 | 300.57M | 351.94M | 378.28M |
gws | 10.00s | 19693400 | 18.78G | 19693400 | 18.78G | 10000 | 200 | 1024 | 763.46 | 785.61 | 794.74 | 191.07M | 197.97M | 202.86M |
gws_std | 10.00s | 19819030 | 18.90G | 19819030 | 18.90G | 10000 | 200 | 1024 | 733.12 | 755.77 | 774.18 | 368.39M | 371.17M | 372.80M |
hertz | 10.00s | 12542490 | 11.96G | 12211819 | 11.65G | 10000 | 200 | 1024 | 639.92 | 650.38 | 688.13 | 662.18M | 746.45M | 824.33M |
hertz_std | 10.00s | 19837530 | 18.92G | 19837530 | 18.92G | 10000 | 200 | 1024 | 744.39 | 793.03 | 801.84 | 371.93M | 435.85M | 499.13M |
nbio_blocking | 10.00s | 19711560 | 18.80G | 19711560 | 18.80G | 10000 | 200 | 1024 | 731.78 | 776.91 | 787.87 | 207.99M | 208.55M | 208.62M |
nbio_mixed | 10.00s | 19857130 | 18.94G | 19857130 | 18.94G | 10000 | 200 | 1024 | 751.46 | 771.90 | 787.79 | 344.78M | 414.50M | 433.02M |
nbio_nonblocking | 10.00s | 17597410 | 16.78G | 17489228 | 16.68G | 10000 | 200 | 1024 | 748.09 | 756.91 | 763.91 | 457.25M | 557.19M | 583.99M |
nbio_std | 10.00s | 19899870 | 18.98G | 19840008 | 18.92G | 10000 | 200 | 1024 | 755.10 | 766.49 | 783.42 | 196.35M | 196.37M | 196.47M |
nettyws | 10.00s | 19569210 | 18.66G | 19525710 | 18.62G | 10000 | 200 | 1024 | 757.65 | 790.72 | 801.54 | 228.10M | 241.45M | 244.84M |
nhooyr | 10.00s | 10424290 | 9.94G | 10424290 | 9.94G | 10000 | 200 | 1024 | 742.93 | 793.16 | 799.63 | 422.39M | 472.55M | 495.47M |
quickws | 10.00s | 19898080 | 18.98G | 19898080 | 18.98G | 10000 | 200 | 1024 | 722.18 | 731.32 | 738.90 | 139.14M | 142.43M | 142.94M |