This repository contains code to define the NFW dark matter density profile
Method: Analyze dark matter particle data from simulations of ultrafaint dwarfs in Jeon+2021, 2017 to determine the best fit dark matter density profile.
Goal: Determine if the dark matter density profile changes as a function of : SNe energy, inclusion of radiative transport, halo mass, SF history
Step One:
Clone this Repo.
Create a Jupyter Notebook (with Anaconda). This is a test code.
Commit the code to the repo.
Get used to commands: git pull git status git add git commit -m " COMMENT HERE " git push
Step Two:
In the new Jupyter Notebook, import the code
Use to determine the scale length, virial radius and virial concentration for a halo of mass 1e9.
Step Three:
In the Jupyter Notebook, plot the NFW density profile for a halo with virial mass 10^9 Msun.
Determine the scaling behavior of the density profile with radius: at r<< r_s or r>> r_s (see NFW.png)
Change the virial concentration - what happens to the density profile?
Change the virial mass - what happens to the density profile?