Steganography is the art and science of hiding information in a cover document such as digital images in a way that conceals the existence of hidden data. [1]
The word steganography in Greek means “covered writing” ( Greek words “stegos” meaning “cover” and “grafia” meaning “writing”) [2]. The main objective of steganography is to communicate securely in such a way that the true message is not visible to the observer.
In this repository, I will present some techniques I learnt from this course.
[1] Nag, A., Biswas, S., Sarkar, D., & Sarkar, P. P. (2010). A novel technique for image steganography based on Block-DCT and Huffman Encoding. arXiv preprint arXiv:1006.1186.
[2] Moerland, T, “Steganography and Steganalysis”, Leiden Institute of Advanced Computing Science, tmoerl/privtech.pdf