

Install pnpm

npm i -g pnpm

Install node_modules

pnpm i

Starting the development server

After install node_modules, you can start the development server by running the following command.

pnpm dev

By default, the server starts on port 3000. You can view the app by visiting: http://localhost:3000.

Start the Browsersync service with external URL

pnpm external


Using EJS. EJS Docs

Support blocks for EJS

// _layouts/layout.ejs

<%- include('_partials/header'); -%>
  {{ content }}
<%- include('_partials/footer'); -%>
// index.html

<%- include('_layouts/layout'); -%>

<!-- @content -->
My page
<!-- @@content -->

Data Flow

Data is stored in src/_data/data.json. You can change the data file at vite.config.js

import { defineConfig } from "vite";
import { Layout } from "./plugins/layout";

module.exports = defineConfig(() => {
  return {
    plugins: [
        dataFile: 'src/_data/data.json',
        ejs: {
          views: ["src"],
  • Global values

    • BASE_URL: {string} the base url the app is being served from.
    • MODE: {string} the mode the app is running in.
    • PROV: {boolean} whether the app is running in production.
    • DEV: {boolean} whether the app is running in development (always the opposite of PROD).
  • linklists objects: The linklists object returns the set of the menus and links in your app. You can access a menu by calling its key on the linklists object. The link object has the following attributes:

    • link.title: Return the title of the link.
    • link.url: Return the url of the link.
    • Returns true if the link object is active, or false if the link object is inactive. The property is useful for menu designs that highlight when top-level navigation categories are being viewed. An example of this would be a menu that highlights the "News" blog link when an article from that blog is being read.
    • link.current: Returns true if the page content associated with the link is considered a match to the current page. Returns false if the content isn't considered a match. link.current ignores URL parameters
<% if (typeof linklists != 'undefined') { %>
  <% linklists.main && linklists.main.forEach(link => { %>
        <% if (link.current || { %>class="is-active"<% } %> 
        href="<%= link.url %>"
        <%= link.title %>
  <% }) %>
<% } %>

Static Asset Handling

The _public Directory

Assets in this directory will be served at root path / during dev, and copied to the root of the dist directory as-is.

Note that:

  • You should always reference public assets using root absolute path - for example, _public/icon.png should be referenced in source code as /icon.png.
  • Assets in public cannot be imported from JavaScript.

Building for Production

Public Base Path

If you are deploying your project under a nested public path (Ex: /~aglstaff/yourname/task), simply specify in VITE_BASE_URL in env.production and all asset paths will be rewritten accordingly.

JS-imported asset URLs, CSS url() references, and asset references in your .html files are all automatically adjusted to respect this option during build.


Building The App

You may run pnpm build command to build the app.

pnpm build

By default, the build output will be placed at dist. You may deploy this dist folder to any of your preferred platforms.

Testing The App Locally

Once you've built the app, you may test it locally by running pnpm preview command.

pnpm build
pnpm preview

This command will boot up local static web server that serves the files from dist at http://localhost:4173. It's an easy way to check if the production build looks OK in your local environment.

.env Files

.env                # loaded in all cases
.env.local          # loaded in all cases, ignored by git
.env.[mode]         # only loaded in specified mode
.env.[mode].local   # only loaded in specified mode, ignored by git

Env Loading Priorities

An env file for a specific mode (e.g. .env.production) will take higher priority than a generic one (e.g. .env).

In addition, environment variables that already exist when Vite is executed have the highest priority and will not be overwritten by .env files.

.env files are loaded at the start of Vite. Restart the server after making changes.


Only variables prefixed with VITE_ are exposed to your App.
