
Version 1 of Payslip Problem

Primary LanguageJava

Basic Payslip Kata

A console application that allows user to enter name, annual income, payment period and then generate a payslip.


JDK 11.0.4
JUnit 4.12


  • Pay period = per calendar month
  • Gross income = annual salary / 12 months
  • Income tax = based on the tax table provided below
  • Net income = gross income - income tax
  • Super = gross income x super rate
  • All calculation results should be rounded to the whole dollar. If >= 50 cents round up to the next dollar increment, otherwise round down.

Tax information table

Taxable Income Tax on this Income
$0 - $18,200 Nil
$18,201 - $37,000 19c for each $1 over $18,200
$37,001 - $87,000 $3,572 plus 32.5c for each $1 over $37,000
$87,001 - $180,000 $19,822 plus 37c for each $1 over $87,000
$180,001 and over $54,232 plus 45c for each $1 over $180,000


Classes Hierarchy

  • PayslipGenerator
    • Payslip
      • TaxCalculator

PayslipGenerator contains instance of Payslip and uses its functions to gather, process information and display it.

Payslip contains instance of TaxCalculator and uses its functions to calculate income tax

PayslipGenerator Class

Private fields

  • currentPayslip (Payslip): instance of Payslip class


  • collectInformation(): call methods from Payslip to get user's name, income, super rate, etc.
  • processInformation(): call methods from Payslip to calculate income, super, tax, etc.
  • generatePayslip(): Generate payslip with processed information
  • run(): run application by calling 3 methods above

Payslip Class


  • NUM_MONTHS (int): number of months per year = 12
  • HUNDRED (float): floating point of 100.0f
  • VALID_MONTHS (String[]): Array of months' names
  • INPUT (Scanner): instance of Scanner class, taking in System.in as param

Private fields

  • givenNames (String)
  • surname (String)
  • startPeriod (String)
  • endPeriod (String)
  • annualIncome (int)
  • grossIncome (int)
  • incomeTax (int)
  • netIncome (int)
  • superValue (int)
  • superRate (float)


  • getGivenNames()

  • getSurname()

  • getAnnualSalary()

  • getSuperRate()

  • getStartDate()

  • getEndDate()

  • isDateStandard(String[] splittedDate): check if date follow standard format, i.e 01 March, 31 December

  • isMonthValid(String date): check if month is correct string

  • isDateValid(String date): check if date number is of 2 digits

  • isNumerical(String input): check if a string is a number

  • standardiseDate(String date): convert single-digit date to standard 2 digits

  • calculateGrossIncome()

  • calculateIncomeTax()

  • calculateNetIncome()

  • calculateSuper()

  • displayPayslip()

  • displayName()

  • displayPayPeriod()

  • displayGrossIncome()

  • displayIncomeTax()

  • displayNetIncome()

  • displaySuper()

  • displayGreetings()

  • displayHeading()

  • displayThanks()

TaxCalculator Class


  • NUM_MONTHS (int): number of months per year = 12

Private fields

  • annualIncome (int): user input income

  • taxLevelBase (HashMap<Integer, Integer>): hashmap with key = tax level (1 to 5 according to table), value = lower range value of each tax level

    { 1: 0, 2: 182001, 3: 37001, 4: 87001, 5: 180001 }

  • taxDefaultDeduction (HashMap<Integer, Integer>): hashmap with key = tax level and value = default deduction money for each level

    { 1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 3572, 4: 19822, 5: 54232 }

  • taxRate (HashMap<Integer, Double>): hashmap with key = tax level and value = tax rate corresponding to tax level

    { 1: 0.0, 2: 0.19, 3: 0.325, 4: 0.37, 5: 0.45 }


  • constructor(int income): initialise all private fields

  • generateTaxLevelBase(): initilise taxLevelBase private field

  • generateTaxDefaultDeduction(): initialise taxDefaultDeduction

  • generateTaxRate(): initialise taxRate private field

  • getTaxLevel(): based on annual income, return suitable tax level

  • getDefaultDeduction(int taxLevel): based on tax level, determine the default deduction

  • getTaxRate(int taxLevel): based on tax level, determine tax rate

  • calculateTax(): calculate tax using income, tax rate, default deduction


Welcome to the payslip generator

Please input your name: Long
Please input your surname: Nguyen
Please enter your annual salary: 60050
Please enter your super rate: 9
Please enter your start date: 1 March
Please enter your end date: 31 March

Your payslip has been generated:

Name: Long Nguyen
Pay Period: 01 March - 31 March
Gross Income: 5004
Income Tax: 922
Net Income: 4082
Super: 450

Thank you for using MYOB!