
Simple External Sort

Primary LanguageC++

Simple External Sort

The simple external sort program The idea is simple:

  • Split the file into small chunks, sort them and write the disk
  • Merge the sorted files together using MinHeap

Build and test:

  • Create build directory
  • Navigate to build and call cmake .. && make
Generate random text file: ./bin/generate_text_file <filename> <size>
Run the test: ./bin/external_sort <input file> <output file> <limit memory>

Performance vs Linux sort

  • My ex-sort:
$ time ./bin/external_sort input1G.txt output.txt 104857600
Sorting with:
	Thread(s): 6
	Limit files: 1024

real	0m44.421s
user	1m36.815s
sys	0m5.286s
  • Linux sort:
$ time sort input1G.txt -S 104857600 -o output2.txt

real	1m52.348s
user	4m48.628s
sys	0m13.810s