👋 Hi, I'm Anh Tuan

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  • I’m interested in Artificial Intelligence - Computer Vision.
  • I’m currently learning Computer Science - Can Tho University
  • I like anime, manga, new technology, games, books, ...
from datetime import datetime

dob = "25/8/2003"
dob = datetime.strptime(dob, "%d/%m/%Y")
today = datetime.now()
age = today.year - dob.year - ((today.month, today.day) < (dob.month, dob.day))

name = "Nguyễn Hoàng Anh Tuấn"
dob = "25/8/2003"
dream = "Computer Science Engineer - Computer Vision"
languages = ["C++", "Python"]
libraries = ["OpenCV", "Django", "CircuitPython","..."]
learning = ["Tensorflow", "Pytorch"]
tools = ["ChatGPT", "Bing AI", "Bard AI", "Stack Overflow", "..."]

print(f"Hello, my name is {name}.")
print(f"I was born on {dob} and I'm {age} years old.")
print(f"My dream is {dream}.")
print(f"I can code in {', '.join(languages)} and often use the libraries {', '.join(libraries)}. ",end='')
print(f"I am currently researching and learning about {', '.join(learning)}.")
print(f"I often use {', '.join(tools)} and some other forums for studying and working on a few small projects.")

→ Learning is the eye of the mind