Vinh's M500 Grip Package

An assortment of two printable grips (Birdshead and Mare's Leg) for any Mossberg 500 compatible grip interface.

by nguyenkvvn


An assortment of two printable grips (Birdshead and Mare's Leg) for any Mossberg 500 compatible grip interface.


  • Birdshead Grip - birdshead grip aka "pirate gun grip"
  • Mare's Leg Imposter - grip akin to the lever actions in the Western movies of the days prior

Materials Required

You will need the following for every model in this package:

In addition, if you are printing the Mare's Leg Imposter, you will also need:

  • 2x #6 x 1in Flat Head Phillips Screws


Here are printing instructions for the models.

Use the following settings for all models:

  • Walls: 10
  • Infill: 15% (You may use 100% infill if you wish- it's just wasted filament.)
  • Layer Height: 0.16; 0.08 initial
  • Filament: eSUN PLA+ 230c/60c; PolyMaker PolyWood 210c/50c

Birdshead Grip

Print this model with the grip interface flush against the build plate. Supports are not required for this model. Print the cap with the flat side against the build plate.

Mare's Leg Imposter

Print this model with the rear of the grip (the large flat surface) against the build plate. Tree supports are recommended for supporting the inner geometry. Print the cover with the smooth side flush against the build plate.

Change Log

  • v1.0: Inital Release
    • Initial commit and documentation


No license selected. (Not for commercial use.)