Leslie Portfolio

Free Portfolio + working contact form


  • Responsive website.
  • Parallax effect for quote section
  • SVG animation
  • Intergrate Google map
  • Contact form
  • When click to portfolio, modal window show up with related information.

Browsers Support

Chrome, FF, IE10+, Opera

Tool use

Grunt plugins

  • grunt-autoprefixer - Parse CSS and add vendor-prefixed CSS properties using the Can I Use database.
  • grunt-contrib-clean - Clean files and folders.
  • grunt-contrib-concat - Concatenate files.
  • grunt-contrib-connect - Start a connect web server.
  • grunt-contrib-copy - Copy files and folders.
  • grunt-contrib-cssmin - Minify CSS.
  • grunt-contrib-htmlmin - Minify HTML.
  • grunt-contrib-imagemin - Minify images.
  • grunt-contrib-jshint - Validate files with JSHint.
  • grunt-contrib-uglify - Minify files with UglifyJS.
  • grunt-contrib-watch - Run predefined tasks whenever watched file patterns are added, changed or deleted.
  • grunt-newer - Run Grunt tasks with only those source files modified since the last successful run.
  • grunt-sass - Compile Sass to CSS using node-sass.
  • grunt-usemin - Replaces references to non-optimized scripts or stylesheets into a set of HTML files (or any templates/views).
  • grunt-wiredep - Inject your Bower dependencies right into your HTML from Grunt.
  • load-grunt-tasks - Load multiple grunt tasks using globbing patterns.
  • grunt-critical - Grunt task to extract & inline critical-path CSS from HTML


  • jQuery(2.1.4)
  • Modernizr(2.8.3)
  • Normalize(3.0.3)
  • Picturefill(2.3.1)
  • Angular(1.4.3) - Just experienced form validate using Angularjs
  • jquery-mousewheel(3.1.13) - temporary disable cause bug on FF
  • Mixitup(2.1.9)
  • rainyday(0.1.1) - Not use - uninstall later.



