
🐼🐼 Built a base project with customized widgets to facilitate easy and 🗽🗽 rapid development of new applications with 🌟🌟some widget custom, 🌆🌆 Services and ⚓⚓support for 3 layout [Clean, mvvm, mvc]

Primary LanguageDart

🧑‍💻 flutter_base


🌈 Widget

Custom widget Pull request
🐼 Tabbar 🐼init some widgets and custom some widgets
🐼 Pagination (list view, grid view) 🐼 UI/Pagination list view
🐼 Category item view 🐼 UI/category item view
🐼Category autoscroll 🐼Category autoscroll ui
🐼Both category view 🐼 Both category view
🐼Group category 🐼 Group category
✨ Add header search, category gradient color, masonry grid, bottom model sheet, banner slider ✨ Add header search + category gradient color + masonry grid + bottom model sheet + banner slider
🐼Expansion panel list and image stack view 🐼 Expansion panel list + image stack view
🐼Tree view 🐼 New widget tree view
🐼Search layout 🐼 Search layout
🐼Setting layout 🐼 UI/Setting layout
🐼line progress with badge in head 🐼 line progress with badge in head
🐼Progress button 🐼 Progress button

🐸 Service & controller

Controller Pull request
🗽Speech to text
🗽Text to speech

🌆 Advanced

Name Pull request
🌟 Stream and RxDart 🌟🌟 LetTutor

🌃 Layer


|- data/
|  |- repositories/  => providing data access
|  |- models/ => representing data structures
|  |- datasources/ => used to communicate with data sources such as a database or API
|     |- local/ 
|     |- remote/ 
|- domain/
|  |- repositories/ => communicating with the data.repositories layer
|  |- entities/ => representing objects within the application
|  |- usecases/ => contains the implementation of the application's use cases
|- presentation/
|  |- screens/ 
|  |- widgets/
|  |- bloc/
|     |- model_state.dart
|     |- state.dart
|     |- event.dart
|     |- bloc.dart
|- app.dart
|- main.dart