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Package to build the mlr3 bookdown book. The rendered book can be found here.

To install all necessary dependencies for the book, install the this R package using remotes:

remotes::install_github("mlr-org/mlr3book", dependencies = TRUE)

To build the HTML version of the book, run the following R command in the repository root:


The command above starts a service which automatically (re-)compiles the bookdown sources in the background whenever a file is modified. If your browser does not open automatically, go to

Alternatively, you can use the provided Makefile (c.f. see make help). This way, you can

  • install dependencies
  • build the HTML book -> make html
  • build the PDF book (bookdown:pdf_book) -> make pdf

File system structure

The root directory is a regular R package. The book itself is in the subdirectory "bookdown".

Style Guide

Links and References

The package mlr3book provides the helpers cran_pkg(), mlr_pkg(), gh_pkg(), and ref(). Example:

See the manual for `r ref("Experiment")`.
More learners can be found in `r mlr_pkg("mlr_learners")`.
We heavily use `r cran_pkg("data.table")` internally.
You need the development version of `r gh_pkg("mlr-org/mlr3")` for this.


For lists please use * and not -.

Chunk Names

Chunks are named automatically as [chapter-name]-# by calling name_chunks_mlr3book():



You can add certain "blocks" supported by bookdown for notes, warnings, etc. Start the code chunk with block instead of r and add type='caution'.

```{block <name>, type='caution'}


Please use knitr::include_graphics() to add figures. This way works for the HTML and PDF output. In addtion, one can control the width + height of the figure. This is not the case for the common markdown syntax [](<figure>).

Always store images also in a vector format (like .svg), even if you do not use them in vector format in the book. Otherwise, we cannot re-use or modify images in the future.


  • Always start a new sentence on a new line, this keeps the diff readable.
  • Put an empty line before and after code blocks.