
Program with GUI to keep track of media

Primary LanguagePython



In microbiology, a culture is an cultivation of bacteria or other microbial organism. Media is a very important environment for bacteria to grow. This software is record the media pH, date, name, and notes in a json format, and as a graph in png format. This software also provides a friendly GUI, which still needs a lot of improvement.



Users can either use github interface Download button or type the following command in command line:

git clone https://github.com/nguyenngochuy91/MediaMaking.git

The users can either download the source codes of the requirements or use package management systems such as brew, or conda. Users can also try pip, but it has some problems for downloading both pydot and graphviz. Conda might fail with dateparser because of PyQt4 package, recommend using pip3 to install this package.


The easiest way to run the project is to execute the script gui.py User can run it by typing the following in command line:

python3 gui.py

After that, just follow the instructions printing on the screen. The program will output a text file and a png file. The text file is in json format, which is basically a dictionary. The dictionary stores all the information of the experiment such as the name , the pH, the date and the notes for a media. The png file is a visualization of the process, the node represent a media, an edge from one media to the next could be is an update. The program supports 3 main functions: analyze, modify, and update. The function modify is to modify a media information, and update is to dilute a media into several new media. Each of the function is accompanied with visualization and color to indicate nodes being updated/modified. The analyze function is to generate alert message for user to warn user about media that is more than 1 month old.


Here are the examples of a text file and the png file.



