
Modify of gbeer stand alone for expansion

Primary LanguageRoffGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0



GBEER_standalone is a tool to quantify and visualize the evolutionary changes that occur in gene blocks. GBEER_standalone is designed to be run from the command line, or as part of a web installation, and has tools and options designed to accomodate these two roles.

Released under GPL version 3 licence. See http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html or LICENSE for more details.


  • Python 2.7.6+
  • Biopython 1.63+ (python-biopython)
  • matplotlib 1.4.3+ (python-matplotlib)
  • Levenshtein (python-levenshtein)
  • ClustalW (clustalw) - likely replaced with ClustalOmega (clustalo)
  • ncbi-tools (ncbi-tools-bin)
  • BLAST2 (blast2) To be tested as requirements
  • BLAST+ (ncbi-blast+) - this might not be necessary, i am going to check this dependency explicitly soon
  • CD-hit (cd-hit) - not required yet, but will be soon

To install these requirements in a single line, copy the following to a command line window:

sudo apt-get install python-biopython python-matplotlib python-levenshtein clustalw ncbi-tools-bin blast2 ncbi-blast+ cd-hit muscle

Downloading GBEER_standalone

GBEER_standalone is stored in a git repository, therefore you should install Git in order to more easily update this software in the future, and continue folowing this guide.

To install these requirements in a single line, copy the following to a command line window:

sudo apt-get install git

Once this is installed you can download the latest version of the project using the command

git clone https://github.com/nguyenngochuy91/gbeer_stand_alone_modified.git

To update the software package you need to change to the directory that you stored the GBEER_standalone application can run the following command. Git will check for updates and make any changes needed to keep the software up-to-date.

git pull

Downloading additional data

With the project we have included a small dataset from proteobacteria. If you are interested in using a larger dataset, you can run the download.py file to download all the bacteria files that are the latest and the complete ones.You can run the program as following:


Additionally it can be downloaded using a browser from the following address. ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/genomes/Bacteria/all.gbk.tar.gz - This file is 7.6 GB as of August, 2015

Running GBEER_standalone

The easiest way to run the project is to execute the script named 'gbeer_standalone.py'. The defaults that are provided are sufficient to run the project with the data provided. The results will be placed into a directory called './test_run/'

Each accompanying script can be run on its own as well, and each help for each script can be found by using the -h or --help option.

gbeer_standalone.py -h usage: gbeer_standalone.py [-h] [-i FILE] [-G DIRECTORY] [-o DIRECTORY] [-f FILE] [-n INT] [-m INT] [-g INT] [-e FLOAT] [-t FILE] [-c] [-q] [-d DIRECTORY]

The purpose of this script is to run the full software suite that we have developed to study gene blocks using as few inputs as possible. This will facilitate the ease of use as much as possible.

optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -i FILE, --gene_block_file FILE Input file for the gene block query step of the pipeline. -G DIRECTORY, --genbank_directory DIRECTORY Folder containing all genbank files for use by the program. -o DIRECTORY, --outfolder DIRECTORY Folder where results will be stored. -f FILE, --filter FILE File restrictiong which accession numbers this script will process. If no file is provided, filtering is not performed. -n INT, --num_proc INT Number of processors that you want this script to run on. The default is every CPU that the system has. -m INT, --min_genes INT Minum number of genes that an gene_block must contain before it can be considered for further analysis. The default is 5 because that is what we are currently using in the study. -g INT, --max_gap INT Size in nucleotides of the maximum gap allowed between genes to be considered neighboring. The default is 500. -e FLOAT, --eval FLOAT eval for the BLAST search. -t FILE, --tree FILE Newick format tree file which will be used to bypass tree creation. -c, --clean Flag to toggle the removal of intermediate files that are unnecessary for analysis, reducing the storage requirements for a run. -q, --quiet Suppresses most program text outputs. -d DIRECTORY, --db DIRECTORY Directory where protein BLAST db are stored.