Predict sales prices using advanced regression techniques
My attempt:
- Load libraries
- Load datasets (upload datasets on GCP storage)
- Create scoring metric (rmsle)
- Baseline score and RandomizedSearchCV searching for best params using:
- DecisionTreeRegressor, AdaBoostReegressor, GradientBoostingRegressor, XGBRegressor
- RandomForestRegressor (extracting feature importances)
- and stacking.
- Feature overview (numerical vs categorical features)
- Preprocessing (impute, scale, encode)
- Estimator (with DecisionTreeRegressor)
- Cross validation
- Prediction
- Preprocessing: encoding (ordinal and nominal categorical features, numerical features, cyclical features), full preprocessing pipeline;
- Feature Investigation: numerical features (VIF to measure multicolinearity), ordinal features (spearman method), univariate feature selection (SelectPercentile)
- Data loading and target engineering
- Apply preprocessing pipeline
- Create RMSE score
- Linear models (LinearRegression, Ridge)
- KNeighborsRegressor, SVR,
- Trees (DecisionTreeRegressor),
- Random Forest (RandomForestRegressor),
- Boosteed Trees (AdaBoostRegressor, GradientBoostingRegressor),
- Stacking (VotingRegressor, StackingRegressor),
- XGBRegressor.
- Best score using StackingRegressor (on test set locally): 0.12119
- Actual score valuated on Kaggle (top 12% on leaderboard): 0.12396