
Easy to use web database for statistical maps.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


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Easy to use web database for brain statistical maps, atlases and parcellation maps.

How to set up NeuroVault for local development?

Installing dependencies

  1. Fork the main repository (https://github.com/NeuroVault/NeuroVault)
  2. Clone your fork to your computer: git clone https://github.com/<your_username>/NeuroVault
  3. Install docker >= 20
  4. Install docker-compose >= 1.29
  5. Make sure your docker daemon is running and environment variables are configured (cp .env.example .env)

Running the server

docker-compose up -d

The webpage will be available at Initially, some data will be available by default with username/password neurovault/neurovault and neurovault2/neurovault2.

Migrating the database

docker-compose exec django python manage.py migrate

The first time you run the application, you must migrate the db. You must also do this if you update any database models.

Stopping the server

docker-compose stop

Restarting the server

After making changes to the code you need to restart the server (but just the uwsgi and celery components):

docker-compose restart nginx django worker

Resetting the server

If you would like to reset the server and clean the database:

docker-compose stop
docker-compose rm
docker-compose up

Running Django shell

docker-compose run --rm django python manage.py shell

Running tests

docker-compose run --rm django python manage.py test

Updating Docker image

If you add a dependency (e.g., a new pip install) or modify the Dockerfile in any way, you will need to rebuild the docker image:

docker-compose build django

Using pycortex

To use pycortex you will need a different image (that includes FreeSurfer). Just change "neurovault/neurovault" with "neurovault/neurovault_fs" in docker-compose.yml. This image is significantly bigger and will take longer to download.

You can also build it locally

docker build -t neurovault/neurovault_fs -f fs_docker/Dockerfile .

Pay special close attention that the command above ends with a . to indicate the present working directory, the base of the code repository.