
Create opening book for Xiangqi (Chinese chess)

Primary LanguageC++

MoonRiver Xiangqi OpeningBook


MoonRiver Xiangqi OpeningBook is code for building Xiangqi Opening Book and its probing code. The main code is written in C++ (using standad C++11 library). Xiangqi developers could use this to add freely and quickly opening book probing to their Xiangqi engines. The GUI is written with Qt (using QML / Qt Quick), thus it could be compiled and run in popular OS.



  • Parse games with none-standard move notations (in Chinese, different charactors)
  • Parse games in wxf and some special formats
  • Merge books
  • Visual Studio project
  • Book learning
  • Test with huge number of games


  • 2 April 2018: all main code (cli + gui) version 0.1
  • 8 March 2018: upload working (not completed) version 0.1

Terms of use

Our code and data (egtb files) are released under the liberal MIT license, so basically you can use it with almost no restrictions.


MoonRiver Xiangqi OpeningBook was written by Nguyen Hong Pham (axchess at yahoo dot com).