
🗑️ the BEST discord lib

Primary LanguageBatchfile


the BEST discord lib



:: Bot Config
set bot.token=token_here
set bot.id=123456789012345678
set bot.prefix=$
set bot.playing=Hello World!

:: Event Config
set events.message.notification=1

Currently bot.playing and bot.id aren't used for anything, however, they are considered global variables.


if %1 neq "" call:%~1
goto exit

call s.bat dmAuthor "Commands: $help, $ping, $info"

call s.bat sendMessage "Pong"

call s.bat sendMessage "Made using `discord.bat` (Yes, it's real)"


Do NOT modify the first 2 or last line.


The way discord.bat works is you "code" in batch and it connects in discord.net, when it recieves a message/evemt it sends it to eventManager.bat with 2 arguments, the type of event and info about the event, so a message event would be eventManager.bat message "$ping" then it sends the event info into the message event function which checks for the prefix, then if it finds the prefix, removes it and sends it forward to commands.bat which you code in the Config folder and has all the code that you'll be writing. It just calls the function blindly like call:ping which (if you have it written in) calls the ping function, in the function, you have call s.bat sendMessage "Pong!" which calls the sendMessage function in the s.bat file, and it writes an interaction command into update.dat, so basically, it just makes the file and adds sendPong to it, while in the .net script, it waits 100ms for the file to exist and checks if it exists, if it does it checks what the command is, so, because we made it say sendPong it will remove the send as it knows that it will be sending the other characters and sends Pong to the same channel as the original message.


Get references and tutorials from our wiki.

Start making a bot in discord.bat with the tutorial.

Talk with us and get help with making your own bot in discord.bat in our Discord (dead link) server.