
Laravel, Git, Pull automation, Linux

Primary LanguagePHP

How to create migration database and git pull code automatic


  • OS: Centos 6.9
  • Web server: Apache
  • PHP 5.6.32
  • Git 1.7.1
  • Laravel 5.4


  • Pull source code from Git repository
  • Migrate database
  • Refesh database
  • Switch branch (Git)

Step by Steps

  • Install sudo by command:
yum install sudo
  • Create folder to save ssh key and permission:
mkdir /var/www/.ssh
chmod -R 777 /var/www/.ssh/
chmod -R 777 /path/to/project/.git/
  • Generate a ssh key by web server user:
sudo -H -u <web server user> bash -c 'ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "your_email@example.com"'
  • For example, if your web server is apache.
sudo -H -u apache bash -c 'ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "your_email@example.com"'
  • After you generate a ssh keygen. You get ssh public key at /var/www/.ssh/file-name.pub and insert it into your git repository. In the next time, You can pull latest source code from repository without input password.
  • Testing with web server user. For example with apache user:
sudo -H -u apache bash -c 'git pull https://github.com/nguyentoanit/git-pull-automation-example.git master'
  • Next, Adding a remote. You should use ssh for pulling.
git remote add origin <remote url>
  • For example:
git remote add origin git@github.com:nguyentoanit/git-pull-automation-example.git
  • I have written a demo by Laravel framwork. If you want migrate database, you will have to configure environment in Laravel. Create .env file and configure environment.
  • A few important file in my demo: