
My dotfile for neovim

Primary LanguageLuaThe UnlicenseUnlicense

dotfile of GenTran0212

This folder contains tool configurations and scripts to start workspaces.

List of supported tool configurations:

  • Neovim (./nvim/): this dotfile is based on the starter config of NvChad
  • tmux (./tmux/)

How to use


tmux: workspace is created as tmux session and windows. Therefore, tmux must be present on the computer. jq: this utility is used to parse configs.json. start_workspace.sh script would not work without this utility.

Basic usage

This repository has only been tested on Mac and Linux

  1. Clone the repository to home directory
  2. (First time) Run ./setup_tpm.sh to setup tmux package manager. Run ./set_symlinks.sh to symlink the configurations from this repository to the necessary folders.
  3. (First time, on a new computer) cp configs.example.json configs.json to create an env file and add workspace name, working directory, workspace type, and other necessary parameters
  4. Run ./start_workspace.sh workspace_name to start a workspace


Do the following to add support for more types of projects:

  1. Copy the script ./scripts/start_workspace_template.sh
  2. Modify to add your tmux workspace configuration inside
  3. Modify ./start_workspace.sh to add your script to the switch-case statement
  4. Add your workspace in ./configs.json