
Source code of course - Building Real-Time REST APIs with Spring Boot

Primary LanguageJava


Learn how to build real-time REST APIs with Spring Boot by building a complete Blog App.

Source code of Popular Building Real-Time REST APIs with Spring Boot Course

Learn how to build real-time REST APIs with Spring Boot by building a complete Blog App.

Udemy Course Link - https://www.udemy.com/course/building-real-time-rest-apis-with-spring-boot/

Link - https://courses.javaguides.net/p/building-rest-api-with-spring-boot

What you'll learn in this course ?

  • Learn how to build great REST API’s for Blog App using Spring Boot, Spring Security, JWT, Spring Data JPA (Hibernate), MySQL database
  • Learn REST basics - Resource, Sub-resource, URI, HTTP methods, HTTP status codes
  • Learn how to build CRUD REST API's
  • Learn how to build REST API’s for Pagination and Sorting
  • Learn how to build REST API’s for Login/Signin and Signup
  • Learn how to use Lombok
  • Learn how to use DTO’s
  • Learn Spring boot REST API exception handling
  • Learn Spring boot REST API validation
  • Learn how to use Spring security in Spring boot project
  • Learn Spring security In-memory and DB authentication and authorization
  • Learn how to secure REST API’s ( role based security)
  • Learn how to write query methods using Spring Data JPA
  • Learn one to many and many to many JPA mappings
  • Learn how to test REST API’s using Postman REST Client
  • Learn What is JWT and How it Works
  • Learn How to configure JWT ( JSON Web Token) in Spring Security
  • Learn how to secure REST API's using JWT
  • Learn how to use JWT with Login API
  • Learn versioning REST APIs
  • Learn Important 4 versioning REST API strategies
  • Deploy Spring Boot Blog App on AWS Cloud