
Simulation of Rhythmic pixel regions. Encodes and decodes frames using region information.

Primary LanguageC++

Rhythmic Pixel Simulator

(Insert blurb about rhythmic pixel regions here)

(Insert blurb about simulator purpose here)

(Insert citation for RP here)

Getting Started


Required libraries:


Simply run make in the root directory


./rhythm-folder -o <OUTPUT_FOLDER> -r <REGION_FOLDER> [OPTIONS]
where <OUTPUT_FOLDER> specifies the desired folder to output statistics, memory traces and encoded/decoded images, and
where <REGION_FOLDER> specifies the folder containing csv files specifying the regions per frame. Options include:

  • -h, --help for help
  • -i, --input <INPUT_FOLDER> to specify the input folder. All images will be read in this folder.
  • -n, --nooutput <WIDTH> <HEIGHT> to specify there should be no image output. No input image will be required in this case. <WIDTH> and <HEIGHT> describe the frame size of the intended input images.
  • -t, --notrace to specify there should be no trace output.

CSV Format

(Insert blurb about CSV format here. CSV will be one per frame, each line will be one region. Each row is read as x0, y0, x1, y1, stride, skip with the bottom left corner being (0,0).)


  • No image input/output, only memory trace generation. Output will be at examples/output.
    ./rhythm_folder -n 640 480 -r examples/csv -o examples/output

  • Full image input with encoded and decoded output, along with memory trace generation. Output will be at examples/output2.
    ./rhythm_folder -i examples/input2 -r examples/csv2 -o examples/output2

  • More examples to come soon