This is third parity implementation(un-official) of Following Paper which are talked in Recente_Convolution.pdf:
- Drop an Octave: Reducing Spatial Redundancy in Convolutional Neural Networks with Octave Convolution.
- Adaptively Connected Neural Networks.(CVPR 2019)
- Res2net:A New Multi-scale Backbone Architecture
- add Res2Net bolock with SE-layer (done)
- add Adaptive-Convolution: both pixel-aware and dataset-aware (done)
- add HetConv(optional): if I have time :)
- Train on Cifar ()
- Train on Imagenet (): Who can help me train this repo on Imagenet
check model files under the nn floder.
from nn.OCtaveResnet import resnet50
from nn.res2net import se_resnet50
from nn.AdaptiveConvResnet import PixelAwareResnet50, DataSetAwareResnet50
model = resnet50().cuda()
model = se_resnet50().cuda()
model = PixelAwareResnet50().cuda()
model = DataSetAwareResnet50().cuda()
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