
Reading list for research topics in intent analysis.

Reading List for Topics in Intent Analysis (incl. Purchasing Intent)

By Mariya Hendriksen (m.hendriksen@uva.nl) Information and Language Processing Systems, University of Amsterdam. If there are any areas, papers, and datasets I missed, please let me know!

Table of Contents

Overview Papers

Survey and evaluation of query intent detection methods, WCSD 2009

Shopping Behaviour Analysis

Going shopping: key determinants of shopping behaviors and motivations, International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management 1999

[Predictors of online buying behavior] Communications of the ACM 1999

Perceived security and World Wide Web purchase intention, Industrial Management & Data Systems 2001

[Gender differences in perceptions of web-based shopping] Communications of the ACM 2002

[Influences on the intent to make internet purchases] Internet Research 2002

[Web retailing adoption: exploring the nature of internet users web retailing behaviour] Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 2003

[Buying or browsing? an exploration of shopping orientations and online purchase intention] European Journal of Marketing 2003

[Going with the flow: Predicting online purchase intentions] The Journal of Computer Information Systems 2003

[Consumers’ decision-making process and their online shopping behavior: a clickstream analysis] Business Research 2005

[A longitudinal investigation of continued online shopping behavior: An extension of the theory of planned behavior] Int’l Journal of Human-Computer Studies 2006

[Activities, interests, and opinions of online shoppers and non-shoppers] Business & Economics Research Journal (IBER) 2011

[Age, gender and income: do they really moderate online shopping behaviour?] Online Information Review 2011

Understanding Behaviors that Lead to Purchasing: A Case Study of Pinterest, KDD 2016

User Intent, Behaviour, and Perceived Satisfaction in Product Search, WSDM 2018

Image Search

The Influence of Image Search Intents on User Behavior and Satisfaction, WSDM 2019

Shopping Intent Modelling

[Using segmentation to improve sales forecasts based on purchase intent: Which” intenders” actually buy?] Journal ofMarketing Research, 1992

[Combination of multiple classifiers for the customer’s purchase behavior prediction] Decision Support Systems 2003

[Modeling purchase behavior at an e-commerce web site: A task-completion approach] Journal of Marketing Research 2004

[A prediction model for the purchase probability of anonymous customers to support real time web marketing: a case study] Expert Systems with Applications 2004

[Predicting online purchase intentions for clothing products] European Journal ofMarketing 2004

[Automatic identification of user goals in web search] World Wide Web 2005

[Predicting online-purchasing behaviour] European Journal of Operational Research, 2005

Detecting Online Commercial Intention, WWW 2006

[Learning user purchase intent from user-centric data] Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining 2008

Ready to buy or just browsing?: detecting web searcher goals from interaction data SIGIR 2010

Modeling Human Understanding of Complex Intentional Action with a Bayesian Nonparametric Subgoal Model, AAAI 2016

DeepIntent: Learning Attentions for Online Advertising with Recurrent Neural Networks, KDD 2016

Predicting Intent Using Activity Logs: How Goal Specificity and Temporal Range Affect User Behavior, WWW 2017

Turning Clicks into Purchases: Revenue Optimization for Product Search in E-Commerce, SIGIR 2018

Customer Purchase Behavior Prediction from Payment Datasets, WSDM 2018

Log2Intent: Towards Interpretable User Modeling via Recurrent Semantics Memory Unit, KDD 2019

Buying or Browsing?: Predicting Real-time Purchasing Intent using Attention-based Deep Network with Multiple Behavior, KDD 2019

Online Purchase Prediction via Multi-Scale Modeling of Behavior Dynamics, KDD 2019

Personalized Purchase Prediction of Market Baskets with Wasserstein-Based Sequence Matching, KDD 2019

Query Analysis

Mining User Intentions from Medical Queries: A Neural Network Based Heterogeneous Jointly Modeling Approach, WWW 2016

Identifying Web Queries with Question Intent, WWW 2016

Predicting Latent Structured Intents from Shopping Queries, WWW 2017

Social Networks Analysis for Intent Identification

Towards analyzing micro-blogs for detection and classification of real-time intentions Web and Social Media 2012

Predicting purchase behaviors from social media World Wide Web 2013

Towards linking buyers and sellers: detecting commercial intent on twitter World Wide Web 2013

Identifying purchase intent from social posts Web and Social Media 2014

[Mining user consumption intention from social media using domain adaptive convolutional neural network] AAAI 2015

Inferring Latent Triggers of Purchases with Consideration of Social Effects and Media Advertisements, WSDM 2016

Intent Representation Learning

Generic Intent Representation in Web Search SIGIR 2019


Intent-aware Query Obfuscation for Privacy Protection in Personalized Web Search, SIGIR 2018

Hide-n-Seek: An Intent-aware Privacy Protection Plugin for Personalized Web Search, SIGIR 2018


Intent for Recommendation

Contextual Intent Tracking for Personal Assistants, KDD 2016

Modeling Mobile User Actions for Purchase Recommendation using Deep Memory Networks, SIGIR 2018

Towards Intent-Aware Contextual Music Recommendation: Initial Experiments, SIGIR 2018

IntentGC: a Scalable Graph Convolution Framework Fusing Heterogeneous Information for Recommendation, KDD 2019

Metapath-guided Heterogeneous Graph Neural Network for Intent Recommendation, KDD 2019

Jointly Leveraging Intent and Interaction Signals to Predict User Satisfaction with Slate Recommendations, WWW 2019

How Intention Informed Recommendations Modulate Choices: A Field Study of Spoken Word Content, WWW 2019

Intents for Evaluation

Evaluating Search Result Diversity using Intent Hierarchies, SIGIR 2016

Intents for Advertisment

TV Advertisement Scheduling by Learning Expert Intentions, KDD 2019


Learning Intent to Book Metrics for Airbnb Search, WWW 2019


Predicting Online Purchase Conversion for Retargeting, WSDM 2017


Multi-Task Deep Learning for User Intention Understanding in Speech Interaction Systems, AAAI 2017


Cross-Device User Linking: URL, Session, Visiting Time, and Device-log Embedding, SIGIR 2017

Probabilistic Visitor Stitching on Cross-Device Web Logs, WWW 2017