
This repository contains source code of assignments of online courses @nguyenvo09 attended

Primary LanguageMatlab

Online Courses from coursera.org, edx.org and some public courses of Stanford.

This repository contains data, source code of online courses I attended. Some of them offered certificates such as coursera.org and edx.org.

Matrix Factorization and Advanced Techniques - University of Minnesota - Grade Achieved: 96.7%

This course offers how to use matrix factorization techniques for recommender systems. It also shows metrics to evaluate the effectiveness of these systems. There are two programming assignments. The first one is simply implementing SVD recommender system. The second assignment is about how to combine hybrid recommender systems with logistic function and gradient ascent.

Certificate: https://www.coursera.org/account/accomplishments/records/CK3E474MW5TC

Neural Networks for Machine Learning - University of Toronto - instructed by Professor Geoffrey Hinton - 95%

This advanced course offers knowledge about feed forward neuron network, gradient descent and updating rules, Restricted Boltzmann Machine and its applications in feature represention, recommender system, and classification. For more details please see syllabus https://www.coursera.org/learn/neural-networks/home

Certificate: https://www.coursera.org/account/accomplishments/records/CBJWTEH5NKMM