Task Management App
Key Features
User authentication using jwt cookie that would decrypt to user id Natural langauge processing for schedule management Database using postgres and sequelize
- demo (default user): https://safe-headland-74827.herokuapp.com/
- deployed api: https://fathomless-chamber-45221.herokuapp.com/
- documentation: https://thecodingdog.github.io/calendar-api-nlp/
process.env.NODE_ENV=production heroku config:set NODE_ENV=production
User Stories
- user able to signup / login to see his own tasks by day, week, month
Add Tasks with NLP
- able to add task and time in a single string input such as 'swimming next Friday at 2pm', 'Nov 15, 2017, Harry’s birthday'
- able to check for clashes in timing before proceeding to book a slot
- able to add recurring schedule using the words 'birthday' or 'anniversary' or 'every day / month / week'
- able to 'guess' am / pm from morning / evening / best guess based on hour
View Tasks
- able to search / filter for relevant tasks by time and keywords
- user will get reminded of task coming up in 15 mins
- Upon clashes, users will be shown clashing schedule, but still allowed to proceed with booking
- Searches by "location" works like searching for "keyword". i.e. it includes searches for activity, name etc. in order to cover for cases like 'dinner at Jo's'
- String inputs without time will be defaulted to 12 noon
- String inputs without end time will be defaulted to end at start time
- String inputs without dates will be defaulted to today
- String inputs without AM/PM will be defaulted to PM if its between 1-4, else defaulted to AM
- Week starts from Monday - Sunday i.e. inputting 'jogging this Sunday' results in 22nd Oct 2017
- Doesn't account for different timezones
- Recurring events for daily will be repeated for 30 days
- Recurring events for weekly will be repeated for 53 weeks (1 year)
- Recurring events for monthly will be repeated for 12 months (1 year)
User has many tempTaskForm and tasks
tempTaskForm belongs to users
Task belongs to users
Built With
- Node
- Express
- Handlebars
- PostgresSQL + Sequelize
- Mocha, Chai for testing
Packages that helped
- Sequelize for ORM management https://scotch.io/tutorials/getting-started-with-node-express-and-postgres-using-sequelize
- Chrono-node is a good NLP parser that extracts date and times https://github.com/wanasit/chrono
- Passport, sequelize, bcrypt tutorial https://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/using-passport-with-sequelize-and-mysql--cms-27537
- Chai-datetime plugin to help test time equality http://chaijs.com/plugins/chai-datetime/
- helper-moment is a good handlebars date time parser for SQL datetime https://github.com/helpers/handlebars-helper-moment
- bootstrap-datetimepicker is a good css plugin that makes form input for date easier https://github.com/smalot/bootstrap-datetimepicker
- Materialize CSS
- node-notifier for error alerts
Test Case Coverage
Solved bugs
- join wedding party at Raffles 'this Sunday' at 9pm results in 'last Sunday' because NLP assumes Sunday is start of week
- no AM/PM in user input results in AM by default. Added logic to only push to PM between 1-4. All else should be AM.
- creating multiple rows for recurring events has setheader issues in sequelize crashing the server.
Front end implementation considerations
- added routes for task/day (list all tasks for today) and task/month (list all tasks this month) to help front-end create calendar view accordingly
- added routes for upcoming events starting in < 15mins (facilitate reminder function)
Unsolved-challenges / Todos
- to recognise 'for 20mins'
- fix bug where 2 to 4am defaults to 14:00 to 4:00 coz of AM PM defaulting
- cleaning up keywords to remove verbs like go using 'compromise' package https://github.com/nlp-compromise/compromise
- allowing search to be performed in NLP using 'natural' package https://github.com/NaturalNode/natural
- modularise the nlp function into separate file?
- fix nlp edge cases (e.g. last day of month)