
First support is polkamonster, next is zoon, axie, skill..etc in the same model!


First support is polkamonster, cryptohounds, zoon, axie, skill..etc in the same model!

The bot interact directly with smart contract of NFT game, it's web3 application so you need to add acc/private key. THAT IS REQURIED TO USE SEPARATED WALLET, and put only monster and some BNB for gas fee


  • install python > 3.6
  • to compile:
    • pip3 install web3 pyqt5 pysqlite auto_py_to_exe
    • python

free version

  • Auto battle easy zombie
  • PvE
  • add/remove Monster
  • config max round that every monster should do
  • intelligent battle monster based on elementary
  • auto claim, buy and lay egg
  • calculate benefit
  • auto farm
  • PvP
  • you need to buy and store ABT token in your wallet



  1. Add your monsterId and how many battle you want it to fight in every round - Example that monter r6 can have 3 fight in one round - You can also modify your monter by using this menus

  2. Connect bot to blockchain

  3. Click Start to start the bot and you can go to sleep - Let the bot makes money for you - You can stop everytime you want


  1. Add you wallet there, it require account and private key. Look like scare but every web3 app do this way

  2. Please DYOC before complain

  3. SUGGEST you to use separated wallet with your main wallet and only for bot with some bnb to check

Config and running clip:

Issue report

Please use this github to report your issue, it should contain explaination and some picture to reproduce the issue

ATB address

comming soon