

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

South Of 45

This is the code for the website of GovHackNZ 2017 project South of 45. The R analysis code is also included.

The website has been forked from another project which provides a website scaffold.

Key Facts

This project is a universal JavaScript React application. Node.js is used to render pages server-side.

The R analysis code is located under the analysis/ folder.



Development on Mac/Linux is advised as some dependencies are difficult to work with on Windows.

Make sure you have Node Version Manager (nvm) installed.

Run nvm install 8 to install the latest version of Nodejs. You may want to also set this as your default Node.js version with nvm alias default 8.


Installation on Windows is a bit tricky and may require some setup currently not described here. The below is an incomplete set of requirements:

Download and install Python 2 (required by node-gyp).

Download and install Microsoft Visual Studio Community (required by node-gyp on Windows).

See Nodegit for more instructions.

Donwload and install the latest version of Node.js.

JavaScript Dependencies

Make sure you npm install or yarn install to download and install this project's dependencies.


To start the server in development mode, use npm run dev. The server will start on port 8000 by default, but you can set the PORT environment variable to change this. You shouldn't need to restart the server in this mode even if you make changes, as the server will update after you save. Some functionality will even update without you having to refresh your browser. If you run into any issues though, it might be a good idea to refresh the page.

"Production" mode

You may notice that styles appear to jump when you load the page in development mode. This is because styles are injected into the page by the JavaScript bundle to make hot reloading of styles possible. Production mode, on the other hand, does not do this.

npm run prod will start the server in production mode. This slower and won't automatically reload, but makes some optimisations, such as separating out the CSS into a separate file, and minifying the JavaScript bundle.


This project is currently set up for easy deployment with Azur to the Azure App Service, but could easily be deployed to other cloud infrastucture such as AWS Elastic Beanstalk through Beanstalkify.

Deployment with Docker is on the roadmap.


If you're experiencing an unexplained Node crash when running npm run dev or npm run prod on Linux, try

echo fs.inotify.max_user_watches=582222 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf && sudo sysctl -p

See Nodemon#214 for more information.