
Operating Assignment 222 - related to create a SCHEDULER and handle MEMORY MANAGEMENT

Primary LanguageC


How to run

1.1. Make sched

To use make sched, we redirect to file os-cfg.h and comment out 2 lines:

  • #define MM_PAGING 1
  • #define MM_FIXED_MEMSZ 1

Syntax: make sched and ./sched <name of input>

1.1.1. With 3rd parameter (live priority)

Uncomment #define MLQ_SCHED 1 (we need it)

Sample input:

4 2 3

0 p1s 2

3 p2s 3

1 p3s 1

1.1.2. Without 3rd paramter (default priority):

Comment #define MLQ_SCHED 1 (we don't need it)

Sample input:

2 1 2

0 s0

4 s1

1.2. Make mem

NOTE: In this mode, we will use paging.c for compiling. In paging.c:

  • Reading configure size: In case we ourselves want to adjust MEMRAM size and MEMSWP size, we configure the input mem_size path

    • Example: We want MEMRAM size to have a maximum resource of x pages (256 x xB), and first MEMSWP has y pages (256 x yB)

    • UPDATE: You can choose input file and configuration for memory size you want as arguments

  • Syntax: make mem and ./mem <name of process in folder proc (related to memory)> <config>

    • Example: ./mem paging1 config1
1.2.1. Fixed memory size:

With fixed mem size, uncomment the #define MM_FIXED_MEMSZ 1

Sample input:

1 12

alloc 200 1

alloc 200 2

alloc 200 3

alloc 200 4

free 3

alloc 100 5

free 4

alloc 100 6

free 1

free 2

free 5

free 6

1.2.2. Non-fixed memory size:

Comment the #define MM_FIXED_MEMSZ 1

Sample input (same with fixed one):

1 12

alloc 200 1

alloc 200 2

alloc 200 3

alloc 200 4

free 3

alloc 100 5

free 4

alloc 100 6

free 1

free 2

free 5

free 6

1.3. Make all

  • Uncomment all mode above
  • Syntax: make all and ./os <name of file in input>